Monday, September 22, 2008


At the age of eighteen, a young scholar in the Sung period called Wei Peng-Chu, styled Chung-hsio, took as his bride a girl as pretty as a flower in full bloom. Scarcely had he been married for a month when the examination was due to begin. So he bade his wife farewell and started out for the capital, but not before his wife told him,” Regardless of whether you get an official appointment or not, come home quickly. Don’t dessert your loving wife.”
“ I have equal regard for honour and fame, so there’s no need to worry,” Wei answered.
At the capital, the young scholar passed with flying colours and came out second on the graduates’ list. He became famous and was accorded much pomp and ceremony.
At this point he sent a servant to fetch his family to the capital. The letter he wrote bore the usual greetings as well as the news of his appointment as an official and ended with:
“ Since I had no one to care for me here in the capital, I have recently taken a young concubine. When you arrive, we can share in the glory.”
On meeting his wife, the servant congratulated her and then gave her the letter, which she immediately opened and read. Presently, she remarked,” That ingrate! No sooner has he become an official than he takes a concubine.”
“There’s no such thing,”the servant said. “The master must be joking with you. Don’t worry about it. You’ll see for yourself once you’re there.”
“In that case,”she said,” I’ll forget the matter.”
As no passenger boat was available at that time, she slowly packed her things while looking for someone to deliver a letter to the capital. Upon receiving the letter from the letter bearer, Wei treated him to food and wine before opening the letter. It was a short note :
“Since you have taken a young concubine in the capital, I myself have taken a young second husband at home. You’ll soon see us at the capital.”
Thinking that the letter was written in jest, Wei put the matter aside.However, before he could put the letter away, a fellow graduate of his arrived and came straight in. After the usual greetings, Wei excused himself and went to thhe toilet.
The friend came across the note written by Wei’s wife. Greatly amused, he read it aloud. On his return, Wei was taken completely by surprise; he blushed and exclaimed,”It’s just a joke. I teased her, and she wrote that in reply.”
The other graduate burst into laughter, saying,” That’s not something you should joke about.” The young fellow happened to be a great gossip, and before long, the news of the letter had spread all over the capital. Some officials who were envious of Wei’s success in the examination grabbed the chance to send a note to the throne. The note said that Wei was too youthful and ill-disciplined, that he was not fit for high office, and that he should be kicked down and exiled to a province.
As a result, things turned out badly for Wei and he missed the opportunity for a bright career. And all this came about because of a joke.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Are Dogs Intelligent?

Are Dogs Intelligent?

This is a question which scientists have argued over for centuries. We know that dogs are incapable of logical thought as we know it. They cannot reason as we can, but in terms of a "domestic wolf" they are indeed intelligent, relying on association, scent, instinct and memory. They also display characteristics of guarding , loyalty and playfulness which are typical of the wolf pack and, I would add, a keen sense of humour.

It is known that pups, untouched by human hands during the first weeks of life, never become wholly domisticated. Similarly, the dog that is kennelled, fed, groomed and exercised, but otherwise given little attention, is unlikely to reach the same potential as its contemporary which is kept as a household pet, spoken to regularly, played with and introduced to any number of outside influences and experiences.

Dog training must be interpreted by the dog as an extension of play. Learning, however, is largely a matter of association. Some dogs, like some humans, are more intelligent than others, but there are few, given time, which, having recognized the key words, will not react to sentences such as : "Shall we (Let's) go for a WALK, Ben", "Goodnes, it's time for BED, Ben!", "Do you want your DINNER?", "Here is MUM (or Dad) !" and "Let's go and meet JANE". The list is endless and the dog's reaction could reasonably be thought to mean that it understands the meaning of the word spoken. It cannot do so, but associates the key word, whether or not used in conjunction with its name, with the action that takes place thereafter.

It is not just the spoken word that brings about this association in the canine mind. Actions can speak as loudly as words. The mere fact of a dog's owner walking into the hall, or kitchen, with a coat on maybe enough for the dog to jump up from its basket in anticipation of a walk , while the sound of a car engine in the drive maybe sufficient to send it running hurriedly to the door in anticipation of its master's arrival. Undoubtedly the more time one spends with one's dog the more it learns, and the more it learns, the more it endears itself to us. Most pet owners have only one dog. They do not have the same opportunity, as those who keep several, of studying the behaviour of the social pack.

It has been explained how humans became substitute pack leaders, whom our domesticated wolf knows he must respect. Where, however, there are a number of dogs, the biggest, strongest male will generally emerge as the canine pack leader. He will marshall his troops, standing aside, for instance, until all have been accounted for when going out of doors. He will guard the food bowls, sometimes literally forbidding another dog to eat until he allows it to do so - even, on some occasion, giving an unliked subordinate what amounts to the evil eye until the unfortunate animal creeps away into a corner. Much however depends on the breed and temperament of the dog.

Often there is a second in command, even a third in pecking order, while some dogs do not aspire to leadership at all. Disagreement are rare except where three important factors raise their head:sex,food and jealousy.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Ends of The World

An atlas shows that the polar regions extend from the Poles themselves for 2.160 kilometres in every direction - from the North Pole to the Arctic Circle. Biologists might say that the polar regions go farther. Typical Arctic weather and wildlife extend south to the line where trees grow to their full size - the "tree line" across the tundra of North America and nothern Asia.

As the Earth spins through space, the Sun's rays are never strong in polar regions. This means they are the coldest places in the world. but they have not always been so cold. Ice has built up at the Poles only during the last 30 millions years. it works like a global air-conditioning system to make the world's climate and the Poles even colder.

Arctic to Pacific

Only two openings link the Arctic Ocean to the other oceans of the world. The Bering Sea is a shallow and very narrow passage between the Chukchi Peninsula of north-east Asia and the Seward Peninsula of Alaska.Little water flows through it, in or out of the Arctic Ocean. The Arctic is a shallow ocean rimmed by lowlands. Covered by a skin of ice, the Arctic Ocean is the coldest and calmest ocean in the world. Beneath the ice there is little life. But at the ocean's edges, where the shallow waters meet the land, and the ice melts in summer, there is a mass of sea life. Around this ocean are northern Europe, Asia and North America. Snow-bound in winter, in summer they also sustain a wealth of wildlife. The Arctic is named after the stars of Arktos, the Great Bear, which dominates the northern night sky.

Farthest South : Antarctica

Antarctic means 'opposite Arctic'. Apart from the fact that both regions are cold, they are truly opposites. Antarctica is not an ice-covered sea as is the Arctic - it is a mountainous continent covered by a gigantic ice sheet, with ice shelves and glaciers spilling into the surrounding ocean. Some mountain peaks break through the ice, as rocky outcrops. However, most of the land is permanently covered by ice up to 4.000 metres thick.

Surrounding Antarctica, like a giant moat, is the Southern Ocean. In winter it is a frozen waste as the ice of Antarctica spreads north across its waters. Icebergs drift relentlessly and the surface becomes a jumbled field of broken,jagged, creaking whiteness. However in summerm where the ice breaks up, the Southern Ocean has the richest life of any ocean in the world. Sea birds and sea mammals such as seals and whales feed on millions of tonnes of tiny sea creatures. The influence of Antarctica on its wildlife extends north to the warmer water in the Southern Ocean, at the Antarctic Convergence.